An insightful piece of research. The best I’ve seen on this segment in a while
— National Australia Bank, Head of Emerging Marketing


The Australian Millennial Report is an annual survey of Australians currently aged 23-40. With a nationally representative sample of over 1200 Australians, drawn in January 2023, The Australian Millennial Report is the most comprehensive study into the attitudes, behaviours, and experiences of Australia’s largest consumer segment.

Now in its 6th year, The Australian Millennial Report tracks trends in Australian Millennial life from 2018 to 2023, identifies the driving forces behind those trends, and examines where those attitudes and behaviours are headed in 2024.

The 116 page report contains the most up to date data on the Millennial Australian approach to:

  • EDUCATION Which qualifications are most valuable? What are the educational ambitions of young Australians? What can educational institutions offer young Australians?

  • WORK What do Millennials want in a career? What are the common career aspirations?

  • THE ENVIRONMENT What are the primary environmental concerns of young Australians? What are they doing to protect the environment? How are attitudes shifting?

  • MEDIA What apps can they not live without? What media do they spend their money on? Where are they getting their news? What are their concerns when it comes to the media?

  • HEALTH What are their health goals? What is their approach to diet and exercise? What do they think of private health insurance?

  • SOCIETY What are their attitudes towards sex, family and parenthood, immigration, and election issues? What are their sources of stress? How do they want to contribute to their communities?

  • BANKING AND FINANCE What are their financial goals and how attainable are they? What do they do with their disposable income? What is their approach to banking?

  • PROPERTY OWNERSHIP How attainable do they see property ownership? What are they doing to achieve it? How are home owners better off?

  • SPENDING HABITS How do they shop, and what do they want from brands?

  • PROSPERITY What does it take for a young Australian to be prosperous in 2023?

  • OPTIMISM What does it take for a young Australian to be happy in 2023?

  • DEEP DIVE COMPARISONS Male/Female, Metro/Regional, age year, State by state.

  • 4 MILLENNIAL PERSONAS 6.42 million Australian Millennials segmented into 4 distinct and fully detailed personas, and what each of those groups do, think, and want.

All of the above organisations are currently implementing the findings of The Australian Millennial Report in their businesses.

The Australian Millennial Report is available to students as a digital resource at the above Universities. For student access contact

Findings of The Australian Millennial Report have previously been published in the above titles.

Findings of The Australian Millennial Report have previously been published in the above titles.

There’s literally nothing else like this out there with such practical and relevant breadth and depth of insight
— Strategy Director, White Grey
The insights derived from this study allowed us to ensure our clients designed their products, brands, and businesses with reality in mind and helped them avoid some of the stereotypical groupthink so common when talking about this audience.
— Head of Strategy, The Royals


Which describes you best?



Gender non-binary

How old are you?


Where do you live?









Which best describes where you live?



Which of the following describes you best?

I’m single

I’m married/ have a partner, with kids

I’m married/ have a partner, with no kids

I’m a single parent

What is the highest level of education you have achieved?

Some Highschool


Vocational diploma (TAFE, etc)

Undergraduate University

Postgraduate University

In your opinion, which is the most valuable qualification?

Participation and accreditation from industry groups

An undergraduate degree

A vocational diploma

A Highschool diploma

A doctorate

An-the-job training

Industry recognition such as awards and prizes

An apprenticeship

A master’s degree

A driver’s license

Which of the following do you hope to pursue in the next 5 years?

Vocational training, TAFE, or college

Highschool certificate

A postgraduate degree

On-the-job training

An undergraduate degree

Industry specific educational courses

An apprenticeship

What do you currently experience as the benefits of your qualifications?

My qualifications make me more mobile in terms of working nationally or internationally

My qualifications give me more job security

My qualifications give me more career mobility

My qualifications give me the skills i need to perform my desired role

My qualifications give me the skills i need to perform my current role

I’d be paid more if i had additional qualifications

I’d be paid less if i didn’t have the qualifications i have

I know my qualifications make me more desirable to employers in my field

Which of the following best describes your current work style?

Full time

Part time


I’m self employed full time

I run a business that employs staff


I participate in the gig economy

I’m unemployed and looking for work

I’m unemployed but not looking for work (including stay-at-home parents)

I’m studying

In your opinion, what is the most important characteristic in a career?

Working with inspiring colleagues

Proximity to innovation

Managing others or complex systems

Influence or shape the future

Career progression to more responsibility

The ability to help others

Opportunity to build fame

Learn important things

Ideal work life balance

The ability to do personally fulfilling work

Opportunity to build a legacy

Job stability

High financial reward

How secure do you feel in your current job?

I’m unemployed and looking for work

I’m unemployed but not looking for work

I’m studying

Insecure, but i can influence that security

Insecure, and i expect that to worsen in the long term (next 5 years)

Insecure, and i expect that to worsen in the short term (next 12 months)

Secure and i control that security

Secure, but industry changes may influence that security

How important do you consider the work you do?

Not at all important

Not very important

Somewhat important

Very important

In your opinion, which of the following is the most pressing environmental issue facing Australia?

The warming of the oceans

Plastics in the oceans

Food chain collapse

Deforestation and habitat destruction

Damage to land and wildlife from coal mining

Air pollution

Rising sea levels due to melting ice caps

Natural disasters

Environmental destruction due to agriculture

Damage to the water table from natural gas fracking

Co2 emissions contributing to global warming

When it comes to the environment, which of the following is most true of you?

I want to do more but i don’t know how

I want to do more but i don’t have time

I believe we have passed a point of no return in environmental degradation

I believe the science of environmental issues such as climate change has been exaggerated and is less of an issue than we are led to believe in the media

I believe the free market will provide solutions to environmental concerns if and when they become pressing

I currently do as much as i can to contribute to preserving the environment

Who bears the greatest responsibility for protecting the environment?



State government

Federal government

International government co-operation

NGOs such as the World Wide Fund for Nature

In your opinion, what is the IDEAL household?

A childless couple

A single parent household

A couple with 3 or more children

A couple with 1 child

A single parent and 1 or more children

A couple with children and grandparents under 1 roof

A couple with 2 children

A blended household with multiple families

Which of the following do you expect will be more common in 5 years time?

A childless couple

A single parent household

A couple with 3 or more children

A couple with 1 child

A single parent and 1 or more children

A couple with children and grandparents under 1 roof

A couple with 2 children

A blended household with multiple families

In your opinion which of the following is most true of Australia?

Our attitudes towards sex are becoming more conservative and that’s a good thing

Our attitudes towards sex are becoming more conservative and that’s a bad thing

Our attitudes towards sex are becoming more progressive and that’s a good thing

Our attitudes towards sex are becoming more progressive and that’s a bad thing

Please rate your level of trust in the Australian brands operating in the following industries out of 10, where 1 indicates ”totally distrust” and 10 indicates “trust completely”

Supermarkets (Coles, IGA, Woolworths, etc)

Energy providers (Origin, AGL, Energy Australia etc)

Phone and internet providers (Telstra, TPG, Amaysim, etc)

Banking and finance (Westpac, AMP, NAB, ING etc)

Insurance (BIPA, NRMA, GIO, NIB etc)

The media (Channel 7, The Australian, Triple M etc)

Which of the following is of greatest concern to you when it comes to the media?

The proliferation of misleading news sources or fake news

Increasingly partisan mainstream media outlets

The dumbing down of news or clickbait headlines

Media outlet ownership consolidation under large networks

Advertising that appears to be news or advertorial

The growth of social media as a news source

Budget cuts at the ABC and SBS

Which of the following have you spent money on in the last month?

In app purchases

Video games

Subscription television ie Foxtel

Video on demand ie Netlfix




Seeing live music

Purchase music

Subscription music like spotify

Online news subscription

How do you currently consume the majority of your news?

TV news

TV shows like the Feed or The Project

Online through a major newspaper websites

Online through other sites

Through Facebook

Through Twitter

On radio

I don’t really follow the news

Which of the following Apps can you not live without?

How much time per day do you spend online?

Less than most people

About the same as most people

More than most people

What is your current housing situation?

I live at home with my parents

I live in provided housing like university or work stay

I live in a rented share house

I rent with my partner or alone

I have a mortage/own a home in a share house

I have a mortage/own a home with my partner

I have a mortgage/own a home alone

I’m renting and saving for a deposit

I live at home with my parents and saving for a deposit

How attainable do you consider purchasing property for the first time? Please rate that attainability out of 10, where 0 indicates “Feels impossible” and 10 indicates “It’s easy”

What do you consider the most important benefits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

Mental health

Staying fit



Avoiding illness or injury

Making friends

Admiration from others

Sense of satisfaction

Being outdoors

Which of the following is true of you?

I have private health insurance and i get value out of it

I have private health insurance but i donlt get value out of it

I don’t have private health insurance but i see value in having it

I don’t have private health insurance and i see no value in having it

Which of the following do you currently do to stay healthy?

Restrict calories

Restrict carbohydrates

Avoid gluten

Avoid meat (vegetarian)

Avoid all animal products (vegan)

A specific diet like 5:2 or paleo

Restrict fat or cholesterol

Avoid processed foods (clean eating)

I eat what i want

Play individual or team sport

Aerobic exercise

Lift weights

Yoga or pilates


What are your current health goals?

Cut down or stop drinking alcohol

Cut down or stop smoking

Cut down or stop using prescription drugs

Cut down or stop using illicit drugs

Lose weight (fat loss)

Increase muscle

Increase aerobic fitness

Improve sleep quality

Destress/reduce anxiety

When was the last time you had a conversation with a friend or family member about mental health?

In the last month

In the last 2 years

Not in the last 2 years or never

What is your greatest financial challenge?

Paying off student debt

Paying off credit card debt

Trying to save

Looking after my family

Saving for a home deposit

Paying off my mortgage

Paying rent

Living pay cheque to pay cheque

Medical bills

Energy bills

What do you currently do with your disposable income?

I keep it in a savings account

I put it in my superannuation

I put it towards a deposit on a property

I invest it in stocks

I invest it in Cryptocurrency

I don’t have any disposable income

I spend any extra money i have or experiences that improve my lifestyle

I spend any extra money i have on products that improve my lifestyle

Which of the following do you hope will be true of you in 5 years time?

I will have purchased a property to live in

I will have purchased an investment property

I will have some savings

I will have invested in stocks or bonds

I will have invested in something else eg Cryptocurrency

I will be out of student debt

I will have saved for a holiday

I will have quit my current job

I will run my own business

How attainable do you your financial goals feel? Please rate that attainability out of 10 where 0 indicates “they feel impossible” and 10 indicates “I will definitely achieve my financial goals”

How optimistic are you when it comes to your own prospects for success in the next 5 years? Rate out of 10

How optimistic are you when it comes to Australia’s prospects for success in the next 5 years? Rate out of 10

Which of the following do you most closely associate with personal FREEDOM?

Being able to travel

Increasing personal wealth

Looking after my health

Being close to family

Being close to friends

Achieving recognition from friends and family

Achieving recognition from work colleagues

Freedom to work where you want

Acceptance from family and friends

Which of the following do you most closely associate with personal HAPPINESS?

Being able to travel

Increasing personal wealth

Looking after my health

Being close to family

Being close to friends

Achieving recognition from friends and family

Achieving recognition from work colleagues

Freedom to work where you want

Acceptance from family and friends

Which of the following do you most closely associate with personal SUCCESS?

Being able to travel

Increasing personal wealth

Looking after my health

Being close to family

Being close to friends

Achieving recognition from friends and family

Achieving recognition from work colleagues

Freedom to work where you want

Acceptance from family and friends

Which of the following is currently the greatest source of stress in your life?

Money and finances

My health

My personal safety

My family

My job

Politics and current affairs

The environment

These days, brands and corporations are increasingly involved in social and charitable causes. Which of the following do you consider the best was for businesses to contribute to the causes?

Make improvements to their own business and manufacturing processes where possible

Make cash donations to existing charities

Use thier marketing to broaden awareness or specific issues and causes

On average, how trustworthy do you consider the information you receive from the following sources?


Social media





Finally, what do you currently do to participate in politics/activism?

I volunteer in my community

I volunteer for a political party

I have participated in a public demonstration in the last 12 months

I donate to charities or activism groups

I donate to a political party

I am politically active online

I don’t want to participate in politics/activism

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